Tissot Immobilier & Cie SA

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1884 Villars-sur-Ollon


Chalet offering immense potential, located in the Villars-sur-Ollon region. It benefits from a setting enjoying absolute tranquility, without any nuisance, and enjoying a magnificent view of the Dents du Midi.
In addition, this chalet is located on a large plot of land, giving free rein to numerous possibilities, at a very attractive price.

Don't miss this unique opportunity!

More information: www.tissot-immobilier.ch


Chalet with huge potential, located in the Villars-sur-Ollon region. It benefits from an absolutely peaceful setting, with no nuisances and a magnificent view of the Dents du Midi.
What's more, this chalet is set in a vast plot of land, leaving plenty of scope for development at a very attractive price.

Don't miss this unique opportunity!

Additional information: www.tissot-realestate.ch


These Chalets have huge Potenzial and can be found in the Region Villars-sur-Ollon. It is profitable to have absolute control over the use of the Dents du Midi.
Darüber hinaus befindet sich dieses Chalet auf einem grossen Grundstück, das zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zu einem sehr attractiven Price bietet.

Lassen Sie sich diese einmalige Gelegenheit nicht entgehen!

Further information: www.tissot-immobilien.ch


Further information

Available on request
Reference 80929151AJ


Children friendly
Waste water supply
Power supply
Water supply
Pets allowed


This property is proposed by

Tissot Immobilier & Cie SA
Route de Lausanne 16
1037 Etagnières

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