URBANIA Agence immobilière SA

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Apartment 5 rooms

CHF 1'480'000.-

1239 Collex
136 m² • 3 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 5 rooms

Fully renovated duplex

Located in the charming commune of Collex-Bossy, this fully refurbished, HPE-standard, village-style duplex enjoys a bucolic setting, in the heart of the Geneva countryside and close to public transport. It offers a gross living area of around 136m2 with the following layout:

Ground floor

Open kitchen
Living room with terrace access
Technical room
Visitors' WC

First floor

Parent bedroom with en-suite shower room

Two parking spaces complete the property

Further information

190 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1919
Renovated in 2023
Available from now on
Reference 3011v2.3.c




Primary schools
768m - 16 min


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    This property is proposed by

    URBANIA Agence immobilière SA
    Chemin des Tulipiers 21
    1208 Genève

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