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21 properties

Buy in the city of Savigny

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Buy a apartment or a house in the city of Savigny

Savigny is located in Vaud canton. proposes you 21 apartments or houses to buy in Savigny. All properties to buy are proposed by agencies of this area.

Savigny is a commune of the Canton of Vaud, located in the district of Lavaux-Oron. Savigny is one of Switzerland's sunniest cities. It extends over the eastern part of the upper plateau of Lavaux, between 715 and 906 meters above sea level. Close to 3'342 savignolans are spread over the 1'600 ha of this green and calm village. The city has various important monuments and constructions such as the quarry of Nialim, which once used molasse and sandstone. Today, there are still many houses built at that time, with windows and doors with frames in molasse. There is also the cure of Savigny and the church bearing the same name dating from 1538 and rebuilt around 1554. The craftsmanship and the progress of the road infrastructure promise a bright future for Savignolans. Founded in 1825, the municipality seeks to enhance its cultural heritage and to develop its economy. Thanks to the new generations, contemporary infrastructures have been created in Savigny. If you wish to rent an apartment in Savigny, go to real
The condition of the real estate market in the city of Savigny :