BD Gérance SA

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Apartment 4.5 rooms

CHF 535'000.-

1727 Corpataux
90 m² • 4.5 rooms

4.5 room PPE apartment in Corpataux

Corpataux is located in the District of Sarine, in the Canton of Fribourg. The population in the political municipality of Gibloux has varied over the past five years by an average of +1.8% per year, amounting to 8,134 inhabitants (Status on 31 Dec. 2023). The tax rate is 14.4% (canton: 14.1%). Over the past five years, housing construction in the municipality has averaged 2.5% per year, while the current vacancy rate is 2.4% (Status on 1 Jun 2024). Real estate prices have varied by +19.0% over the past five years (canton: +21.1%).

4.5 room apartment completely renovated
With a surface area of approximately 90 m², this fully renovated apartment stands out for its generous volumes and exceptional brightness. The ceiling height, higher than usual standards, gives each room a feeling of space and comfort.

The recently installed stove will be particularly appreciated for creating a warm and friendly atmosphere on winter days.

The absence of an elevator helps to keep condominium charges reasonable, making this property even more attractive to residents.

Available immediately.

Apartment: CHF 535,000.-
Outdoor parking spaces no. 7 and 12: CHF 30,000.-
Lot price: CHF 565,000.-

Further information

Floor 2
2 levels
1553 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1998
Renovated in 2024
Available from now on
Reference 202 316/2.1531511.96b85aa2-ce96-11ef-a039-069ae14c7a06


Children friendly
Pets allowed


This property is proposed by

BD Gérance SA
Rue de Gruyères 67
1630 Bulle

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