MPI Marc Progin Immobilier SA

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Single house

CHF 400'000.-

1740 Neyruz FR

1740 Neyruz FR, Réf 5291185

2-room detached house built on a plot of 1,287 m2 in a forest area.
The internal distribution is as follows:
Main entrance to the north with direct access to the living/kitchen/dining area of approx. 28.20 m2 with Swedish stove, fully equipped oak kitchen layout with fridge, freezer, water heater, induction hob, oven, dishwasher, ventilation hood, granite worktop. Direct access to the terrace to the south.
Shower room of approx. 2.95 m2 with shower cubicle, WC, washbasin unit, mirror, towel radiator and ventilation.
Bedroom of approx. 11.50 m2 with an opening facing south.

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241 m³
1287 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 5291185




1000m - 20 min


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    This property is proposed by

    MPI Marc Progin Immobilier SA
    C.P. 249
    1630 Bulle

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