Associés courtiers SA

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Residential building

1680 Romont FR
428 m²

1680 Romont FR, Réf Romont-administratif

The building is located in the commune of Romont in the canton of Fribourg. The commune of Romont is the capital of the Glâne district.

It is a commune bordering the Canton of Vaud and part of the Glâne-Veveyse region.

La Glâne benefits from its position on the main east-west railway axis, while La Veveyse benefits from its strategic location on the edge of the A12 motorway.

The building is located in the very center of the town, close to all shops and public transport.

Romont is a town in full development with very important real estate projects.

The building includes 6 commercial premises with the possibility of creating a new building or extending the existing one.

We also offer to help you in your search for financing. Associés Courtiers SA is completely independent of financial institutions, which allows us
to find you the best financing for your investment with complete impartiality.

For any further information, please contact Associés Courtiers SA.

Further information

805 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1950
Renovated in 1994
Available on request
Reference Romont-administratif




Public transport
207m - 5 min
83m - 2 min
Secondary schools
255m - 6 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Associés courtiers SA
    Rue William-Haldimand 17
    1003 Lausanne

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