Maillard ImmoServices SA

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Residential building

CHF 1'790'000.-

1680 Romont FR

1680 Romont FR, Réf 5083508

This authentic building stands out for its strategic location, in the heart of the old town, offering direct proximity to many amenities.

Ground floor
- Entrance to the building
- Garden
- Large 2-room apartment

1st level
- 4 room apartment

2nd level
- 4 room apartment

- 1 room apartment
- 1 room apartment

Annexes / Building 44a:
- 1 room apartment on the ground floor
- 1 room apartment on the 1st floor

Further information

2634 m³
Available on request
Reference 5083508


Children friendly


Public transport
70m - 2 min
30m - 1 min
Nursery school
30m - 1 min
Primary schools
150m - 3 min
Secondary schools
950m - 19 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Maillard ImmoServices SA
    Place Saint-Jacques 50
    1680 Romont

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