TP Consultant

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Residential building 8 rooms

CHF 1'870'000.-

1680 Romont FR
150 m² • 8 bedrooms • 5 bathrooms • 8 rooms

Yield building, 4 apartments and a large premises, all rented

Building from 1990, renovated in 2022, composed of two buildings:

Possibility of taking over a mortgage blocked at 1.5%

Plans are to redo the wooded facades and the roof which will be completely renovated.

4 apartments with large premises, cellars and outdoor parking spaces.

The building consists of: All rented

A large 3.5 room Loft of 160m2

4.5 rooms of 120m2

2.5 duplex of 56m2

3.5 rooms of 105m2

Cellar deposit 100m2

Cellars 60m2

4 outdoor parking spaces

2 storage rooms

Entrance hall - additional cellars for the apartments - technical room - laundry room

Everything is fully rented and the building is located in the center of the village.

The woodwork on the facades of the building will be renovated as well as the roof. There are also plans to change the Vélux.

The 2.5 room apartment was completely renovated in 2022, kitchen, floors

and shower room.

In 10 years, all apartments have undergone renovation work (kitchen, floor and bathrooms, painting, etc.) between 2016 and 2022

In 2010 for the 1st building, there was the installation of a Geothermal heat pump and in 2017 for the 2nd building there was the installation of an Air/Water heat pump.

Building in perfect condition. No work needed.

For any inquiries, please contact

Mr Tony Polisano 079 307 93 22 or by email

Further information

2 levels
Built in 1990
Renovated in 2022
Available on request
Reference Villargiroud-TP 1314


Children friendly
Pets allowed


Public transport
500m - 10 min
500m - 10 min
Nursery school
500m - 10 min
Primary schools
500m - 10 min
Secondary schools
500m - 10 min


This property is proposed by

TP Consultant
Cinq-Sols 3
1312 Eclépens

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