Verbel SA

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Residential building

CHF 1'300'000.-

1680 Romont FR
366 m²

Investment property in the heart of Romont


The property is laid out over 5 levels, as follows:

- Lower ground floor: Cellar and commercial space
- First floor: 160m2 commercial space
- 1st floor: 4.5-room 90.23m2 apartment with 70m2 terrace
- 2nd floor: 93.1m2 3.5-room apartment with balcony
- 3rd floor: Galetas

A shared laundry room and cellars are available to tenants

Further information

2482 m³
220 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1926
Renovated in 2020
Available from now on
Reference 4827737




601m - 13 min
Primary schools
809m - 17 min
Secondary schools
904m - 19 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Verbel SA
    Place du Marché 6
    1820 Montreux

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    Contact Leandro Domingues

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