Les Forestiers du Jura

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Marine Fontalba

Residential building

CHF 6'500'000.-

2800 Delémont

2800 Delémont, Réf 4891049

Description: Mixed-use property strategically located in the heart of the city of Delémont. This unique opportunity offers you a perfect combination of commercial, office and residential space, ideally positioned to maximize your return on investment.

Main features:

  • Prime location: Located in the city center of Delémont, the building benefits from exceptional visibility and easy accessibility.
  • Mixed yield: Combining commercial spaces on the ground floor, offices and medical practices on the 1st and 2nd floors and well-appointed residential apartments on the upper floors.
  • Stable income:
    • The commercial premises offer visibility to tenants through large windows on the facade,
    • the office space located just 200 meters from public transport offers easy access and thus gives the building strong rental potential,
    • Residential apartments provide stable income.

  • Condition: The building has been carefully maintained, offering interior and exterior spaces in good condition.

Technical details:

  • Total surface area: 2,533m2
  • Number of commercial units (ground floor): 3 commercial premises (385m2, 101m2, 76m2).
  • Number of offices (1st and 2nd floor): 7 offices (1193m2 distributed as follows: 80m2, 150m2, 75m2, 155m2, 133m2, 490m2, 110m2)
  • Number of residential apartments: 6 apartments (5 4.5 room apartments and 1 3.5 room apartment)
  • Number of parking spaces: 21 indoor parking spaces
  • Year of construction: 1992
  • Facilities: elevator
  • Annual contractual rent: CHF 424,528.8.
  • Theoretical contractual rent: CHF 575,476.-

Contact: For more information and to schedule a visit, please contact Fontalba Marine or by email at.
Don't miss this opportunity to invest in a mixed-use property with exceptional potential.

This Mixed-Income building in the heart of Delémont offers an exceptional investment opportunity thanks to the repositioning potential it offers (partial reassignment of office spaces into housing).

Further information

Built in 1992
Available on request
Reference 4891049




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    This property is proposed by

    Les Forestiers du Jura
    Cour-aux-Moines 10
    2900 Porrentruy

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    Contact Les Forestiers du Jura

    Marine Fontalba

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