Vaudburo Sàrl

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Commercial land

CHF 1.-

1003 Lausanne

Free estimate of your local offices for sale

VAUDBURO offers you a FREE VALUE OPINION of your business premises:

- administrative offices,

- industrial premises, halls and depots

- arcades, showrooms,

BEFORE selling or renting!

We are commercial real estate brokers and we can help you benefit from our knowledge of the market: SEE OUR REFERENCES IN ATTACHED PHOTOS.

We will be delighted to provide you with our advice in the context of a sale.

PS: a value opinion is different from an expertise!

Further information

Available on request
Reference 574011.46d6bd98-16ac-11ea-9cb0-a4bf01195aaa


Calculate your travel times

    This property is proposed by

    Vaudburo Sàrl la Gare 17
    1003 Lausanne

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