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Rent in the city of Gimel

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Rent a furnished home in the city of Gimel

Gimel is located in Vaud canton. proposes you 2 furnished homes to rent in Gimel. All properties to rent are proposed by agencies of this area.

Gimel is one of the 62 communes in the district of Morges. It covers an area of ??1'889 ha. Its 1'913 inhabitants are called Gimelans. Its economy is mainly based on agriculture. However, local craftsmanship is also important. Its twinning with the French commune of Gimel-les-Cascades was formalized in 1993. The city hosts various local societies with a unifying role, working in the cultural and sports fields. The most popular are the cross-country skiing event, known as the Marchariruz Trophy, as well as the famous Carnival of Gimel, which is scheduled every year in March. An "L'aventurine" ceramics workshop provides classes for adults and children alike. Gimel is a village where music occupies a prominent place. It has its own fanfare, a choir of men baptized the Harmonie Gimel-Yens and a school of music. The guggen "Los Pepinos", a fanfare whose members are only women, was also formed. offers you the best real estate advertisements in Gimel, a region combining modernity and tradition.
The condition of the real estate market in the city of Gimel :