Vaudburo Sàrl

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1820 Montreux

Historic and renowned restaurant with large terrace!

Historic and renowned restaurant with large terrace and lovely view!
Location: ideal in the heart of the city

Description / Equipment / Layout:

- Excellent reputation and very well located
- Large terraces
- Fully equipped and furnished
- More than 90 seats
- Public parking nearby and large storage spaces

Sector: Riviera

Activities: Restaurant, bar, nightclub, etc.

Surface area: 300 m²

Lease: To be resumed, renewed every 5 years

Availability: On request

Monthly rent: Very attractive rent, on request.

Selling price: CHF 168,000.-

For any information, contact Vaudburo.
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Further information

Available on request
Reference 1551057.5eda9338-ee9a-11ef-8dba-069ae14c7a06

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit


This property is proposed by

Vaudburo Sàrl la Gare 17
1003 Lausanne

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